2015.5.22 3 whaoo, 2 mahi-mahi and 3 tuna... Landed 3 whaoo, 2 mahi-mahi and 3 tuna in the rough sea conditions! ☆Call or email us f...
2015.5.7 Our 7th Marlin For This Season, Marlins ... A blue marlin landed today! Fisher's Club Okinawa keeps going with a marlin catch. Tried ...
2015.5.5 Blue Marlin, 143kg (315lb) Landed Today!... Left Ginowan Marina at 8:00am and encountered a marlin strike before noon. The ,marlin pre...
2015.5.2 A Mahi-Mahi On Trolling!... Going on the water with my buddies and caught a good size mahi-mahi. I didn't see any mar...
2015.4.25 2 Marlin Fights A Day, 2 Marlins In A Ro... What a nice day to start fishing. Soon as set lure spread, we encountered the first stri...
2015.4.19 115kg (254lb) Black Marlin landed today!... Dad and daughter fight together with a big marlin. Including the trip from last year, the...
2015.4.6 Another 140kg blue marlin landed today!... A 140kg Blue Marlin landed today. We are in the middle of trolling season, please contact...
2015.3.30 2nd Marlin for this season... Fisher's Club Okinawa landed our 2nd marlin for this season. Stripe Marlins in early seaso...
2015.3.14 175kg (389lb) Blue Marlin landed... Our first trolling trip for the season 2015 took place last Saturday and landed a 175kg (3...
2014.11.20 Cruising and Swimming in Okinawa Japan!!... A party on the big boat!! It was a fine day and we had swimming in Kerama in November!! ...